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We’ve been busy fundraising, grant-giving, volunteering and difference making. Read on to find out more about what we’ve been up to lately… application that was music to my ears!

I’m delighted to announce that we’ve approved our first grant.

We’re supporting BAND (Bristol Association for Neighbourhood Daycare), an organisation which supports and develops childcare provision in and around Bristol.

We’ve agreed a grant of £2,000 to fund a training scheme, delivering 2 courses on ‘Mental Health – Developing Children’s Resilience’. BAND estimate that these courses will reach out to over 900 children attending childcare in the region with the focus on recognising symptoms of distress and promoting resilience and positivity – issues that we believe are even more important in light of the recent lockdowns and the isolation of so many children.

Monitoring of member groups show that 32% will come from disadvantaged areas of Bristol. The courses are scheduled to take place in early 2022.

BAND met our criteria both in terms of their size, the tangible nature of the project, its objectives and those who would benefit. We are thrilled to be able to support them and look forward to reporting on the outcome of the courses next year.

Thank you to all those who support us to make this possible.

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